A perfect plan for enjoying a fun afternoon in the CDMX as a child
The experiences we have with child close to us remind us of how great childhood was. We know that the years have become slightly more complicated. However, we have the advantage of being able to decide how much our environment affects us. Sometimes we just need to take a break and find the little moments that fill us with energy. Bringing Children’s Day as a reference, we at FlowSuites want to provide you with a couple of suggestions to go out and enjoy what the city has to offer, with the hope of making you remember your childhood. To start with a rush of fun We have an extremely tempting proposal. How long has it been since you’ve been to an amusement park? Surely, many of your dates as a teenager happened at places like Six Flags. And lest you had no idea, this park has reopened its doors with all the sanitary measures, which means you don’t have to worry. Six Flags offers an excellent opportunity to feel the adrenaline again and eat something delicious outdoors. If you are more of an introvert and prefer to be in the company of just a couple of friends, we offer an entirely different experience. Do you know what an escape room is? Escape rooms are interactive rooms where you must solve a mystery to open the room. We suggest you try the ones at Enigma Room, located in the Roma neighborhood. There are all kinds of themes: Jurassic, medieval, space, and even horror. The idea is that you go with a group of friends and solve the clues to get out in time. It is an excellent game for adults and youngsters. Another cultural attraction that we love is the city’s Chinatown. The restaurants, colors, and outdoor activities will surely entertain you. The stores are full of accessories inspired by Asian culture, and there are even cute desserts in the shape of animals and cartoon characters. We encourage you to go out and experience other customs besides our own. Finally, we believe that this activity will be perfect for you to enjoy in company with others If you want to feel like a kid again, we suggest you visit the adult section of Kidzania. This place is known as «the city of children» and has all kinds of activities such as theater, pizza cooking or a dance floor. However, they also offer an «adult night,» where you and your companions can go and have fun while doing the same activities. Dare to do something new and enjoy all that this didactic world has to offer.
¡Explora la ciudad! Disfruta del mejor clima que la Ciudad de México puede ofrecer, a bordo de Capital Bus
Poco a poco, la vida está volviendo a sentirse en el exterior por lo cual te damos la mejor opción para hacerlo de forma segura. Capital Bus cuenta con varios circuitos para conocer la ciudad con todas las medidas de higiene y seguridad, además puedes encontrar una parada cercana a cada hotel de FlowSuites. Al reservar con nosotros puedes adquirir a un precio especial las opciones que tenemos para ti. Brazalete City Tour 1 día Servicio de subir/bajarVigencia de 24 horas, cuenta con 4 rutas y paradas establecidas. Con este brazalete podrás tener acceso a todos los circuitos y subir y bajar en las paradas establecidas. Circuito Centro-Polanco Vista panorámica del Zócalo, circularemos por Av. Paseo de la Reforma, para que admires nuestro Ángel de la Independencia y La Diana Cazadora, así como los majestuosos edificios. Recorreremos parte de las colonias Condesa, Roma y Polanco, donde podrás encontrar el museo Soumaya, todo en un mismo circuito. Circuito Reforma – Santa Fe Visita las principales zonas comerciales y de negocios de la Ciudad de México. Trasládate desde el Ángel de la Independencia hasta Santa Fe, donde encontrarás el centro comercial más grande de América Latina (Centro Comercial Santa Fe), el cual cuenta con diversas tiendas, cines, pista de hielo, restaurantes y más. Incluido en este circuito también puedes visitar Los Pinos, que fue la casa de 14 mandatarios y que a partir del 1 de diciembre del 2018 hasta hoy es un recinto cultural que recibire a todo aquel que desee recorrer sus calzadas y galerías de arte, así como disfrutar de su arquitectura y sus eventos culturales. (El acceso a este recinto puede tener restricciones debido a la pandemia). Circuito Templos Visita Garibaldi, el Museo del Tequila y el Mezcal, y los principales templos de los alrededores de la Ciudad de México como lo son la Basílica de Guadalupe y la Iglesia San Judas Tadeo. Circuito Centro-Sur Recorre el barrio mágico de Coyoacán donde podrás recorrer sus calles llenas de misticismo, donde alberga la Casa Azul donde vivió la famosa artista mexicana Frida Kahlo. No olvides visitar las churrerias y cafeterías que caracterizan este lugar. *FlowSuites Condesa es una parada del Capital Bus. Boleto Capital Bus (Top Tour) 1 ruta, sin paradas, se puede elegir una sola ruta.Si deseas recorrer solamente un circuito de tu interés te recomendamos esta opción. Son recorridos de duración fija donde tendrás la oportunidad de recorrer la ciudad siguiendo las reglas de sana distancia en camiones sanitizados. Solamente en algunos puntos está la opción de bajar unos momentos para tomar fotos. Las rutas a elegir son: Centro – Polanco En este recorrido conocerás el museo Soumaya, uno de los espacios arquitectónicos más representativos de la ciudad; la fuente de Cibeles, dispondrás de 30 minutos en cada una de estas últimas dos atracciones, para poder bajar, explorar y retratar experiencias. Salidas desde el Zócalo en los siguientes horarios: 9:15hrs, 12:35hrs y 15:50hrs.Salidas sujetas a cupo mínimo: 14:25hrs y 19:00hrs*.*Última salida sin paradas. Centro – Sur (Coyoacán) El recorrido inicia en el Zócalo y toma rumbo a Coyoacán, donde se dispone de 30 minutos para poder caminar por el centro. La siguiente parada será San Ángel, donde podrás disponer de 20 minutos para dar un pequeño recorrido peatonal. Finalmente, arribaremos en la fuente de Cibeles. Salidas desde el Zócalo en los siguientes horarios: 9:45hrs, 13:00hrs y 16:00hrs.*Última salida 19:00hrs sin paradas. Centro – Basilica, (solo opera sábados, domingos) Iniciarás el tour en el Zócalo donde se realizará un trayecto directo a Basílica de Guadalupe, santuario que resguarda el manto de la imagen impregnada de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Se dispondrá de una hora en este punto para después regresar a nuestra parada Zócalo. Salidas desde el Zócalo en los siguientes horarios: 9:00hrs, 12:00hrs y 15:00hrs. * Todos los recorridos Top Tour tienen salida desde el Zócalo. Como recomendación no olvides llevar bloqueador solar y gorra para tu mayor protección, y sobre todo ¡muchas ganas de vivir la Capital!
¡Explore the city! Enjoy the best weather the city has to offer, aboard Capital Bus
Little by little, life is coming back to life outdoors, which is why we would like to share with you the best option to do it safely. Capital Bus offers several circuits for exploring the city with all the hygiene and safety measures. Besides, you can find a stop near every FlowSuites hotel.By booking with us, you can purchase any of the following options at a special price. City Tour Bracelet all day Hop on/Hop offValid for 24 hours. Offers four established routes and stops. This bracelet can give you access to all four of the circuits ,and you can get on and off at any of the established stops. Downtown-Polanco Circuit This circuit provides a panoramic view of the Zocalo. You will drive along Paseo de la Reforma Avenue and admire our Angel of Independence and La Diana Cazadora, as well as the majestic buildings. We will visit part of the Condesa, Roma and Polanco neighborhoods, where you can find the Soumaya museum, all on the same circuit. Reforma-Santa Fe Circuit Visit the main commercial and business areas of Mexico City. Travel from the Angel of Independence to Santa Fe, where you will find the largest shopping mall in Latin America (Centro Comercial Santa Fe), which has several stores, movie theaters, an ice rink, restaurants and more. Included in this circuit is a visit to Los Pinos, which was home to 14 presidents and has been a cultural site since December 1, 2018, welcoming all those who wish to tour its walkways and art galleries, and enjoy its architecture and cultural events. (Access to this venue may be restricted because of the pandemic). Temples Circuit Visit Garibaldi, the Tequila Mezcal Museum, and the main temples around Mexico City, such as the Basilica of Guadalupe and the San Judas Tadeo Church. Downtown-South Circuit Visit the magical neighborhood of Coyoacan and walk through its streets full of mysticism, where you will find the Blue House where the famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo lived. Don’t forget to visit the churrerias and cafes that characterize this place. * FlowSuites Condesa is a Capital Bus stop. Capital Bus Ticket (Top Tour) One way non-stop, only one route can be chosen.We recommend this option if you wish to tour only one circuit. These are tours of a fixed duration where you will have the opportunity to tour the city following the rules of safe social distancing in sanitized buses. Only certain stops allow people to get off for a few moments to take pictures. The routes to choose from are: Downtown-Polanco Neighborhood In this tour you will visit the Soumaya Museum, one of the most representative architectural sites of the city, and the Cibeles fountain. You will have 30 minutes in each of these attractions, to get off, explore and capture your experiences. Departures from the Zocalo in the following schedule: 9:15hrs, 12:35hrs y 15:50hrs.Departures subject to minimum number of passengers: 14:25hrs and 19:00hrs*. *Last departure without stops. Downtown-South (Coyoacan) The tour starts at the Zócalo and continues to Coyoacán, where you will have 30 minutes to walk around the town center. The next stop will be San Angel, where you will have 20 minutes to take a short pedestrian tour. Finally, you will arrive at the Cibeles fountain. Departures from the Zocalo in the following schedule: 9:45hrs, 13:00hrs y 16:00hrs.*Last departure 19:00hrs without stops. Downtown-Basilica de Guadalupe (Only available on Saturdays and Sundays) You will start the tour at the Zócalo where you will be taken directly to the Basilica of Guadalupe, the sanctuary that houses the mantle with the impregnated image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. You will have one hour at this location and then return to our stop at the Zócalo. Departures from the Zocalo in the following schedule: 9:00hrs, 12:00hrs y 15:00hrs. Only available on Saturdays and Sundays. * All Top Tour routes depart from the Zócalo. We recommend that you bring sunscreen and a hat for maximum protection, and above all, plenty of enthusiasm to experience the Capital!
Los mejores tips para una limpieza de primavera exitosa
El florecer de las jacarandas siempre nos avisa que la primavera está de nuevo sobre nosotros. Por si no sabías, el término “spring cleaning” es muy popular en los países anglosajones, ya que se ha convertido en una tradición más el realizar una depuración de lo que ya no se necesita, sobre todo para que la buena energía fluya sin problema. Nos agrada la idea de que en este blog encuentres la inspiración suficiente para hacer lo que más te guste, por eso queremos regalarte un par de consejos que te servirán para que tengas una limpieza de primavera exitosa este 2021. Para que puedas realizar una verdadera renovación, lo primero que debes tener en cuenta es que una limpieza no se trata de un maratón. Planifica el horario; si la limpieza será en casa en vez de la oficina, involucra a toda la familia y tómense el tiempo de seleccionar lo que se queda y lo que no. Para ir ambientando, puedes poner tu playlist favorita. Recuerda que es importante ir por áreas, de lo contrario puede que sientas la limpieza algo abrumadora. Te recomendamos hacerlo durante el día y abrir las ventanas, para que todo ventile. Después, abre cajones y armarios y haz a un lado lo que no has utilizado en un año, verás que no son objetos tan necesarios en tu vida y abrirán espacio para que obtengas nuevas cosas. Otro tip para organizarte es dejar la ropa de invierno al final del cajón o el armario, como no la usarás en un tiempo, es mejor dejar más “a la mano” la ropa primaveral y de verano. Lo mismo con los zapatos y otros complementos. Además, en caso de que saques cosas que no necesitas, puedes venderlas como doble uso en redes sociales o en todo caso, donar lo que ya no quieres y ayudar a una familia que lo necesite, hay muchas fundaciones apoyando esta causa. Cuando todo esté en su lugar, es momento de hacer una limpieza profunda. Recuerda que no sólo se trata de ordenar. Intenta utilizar productos “eco”, como limón, vinagre, sal, jabón neutro o bicarbonato: no contaminan y resultan ser de los más eficaces para limpiar. Para finalizar, puedes mover de lugar tus muebles y darle una mejor vista a la habitación que desees. Se cree que esto mueve la energía del lugar y hace que todo fluya de la mejor manera. Creemos que lo más importante es que tomes todo con calma; como dijimos, no es una carrera y puede tomarte todo un fin de semana si lo crees necesario. La limpieza de primavera debe ser un momento que te regales y te ayude a fluir de forma positiva, por lo que el espacio que habites debe siempre estar en sintonía contigo.
The best tips for a successful spring cleaning
The blooming of the jacarandas always signals that spring is upon us again. The term «spring cleaning» is extremely popular in Anglo-Saxon countries, where purging what is no longer needed has become a tradition, mainly to keep the good energy flowing smoothly. This blog aims to provide you with enough inspiration to do whatever you like most. That is why we want to share a couple of tips to help you have a successful spring cleaning this 2021. The first thing to keep in mind for a real renovation is that cleaning is not a marathon. Plan the schedule; if the cleaning is at home instead of the office, get the whole family involved and take the time to select what stays and what does not. To set the mood, you can play your favorite playlist. Remember that it is essential to clean by areas; otherwise, you may feel the cleaning is overwhelming. We recommend doing it during the day and opening the windows, allowing ventilation. Next, open drawers and closets and put aside what you have not used in a year; you will find that these items are unnecessary and make room for new things. Another tip to get organized is to leave the winter clothes at the end of the drawer or closet, as you will not use them for a while, and it is much better to leave the spring and summer clothes more «on-hand.» The same applies to shoes and other accessories. Also, if you take out things you don’t need, you can sell them as second-hand items on social networks, or you can donate what you no longer want and help a family in need, as many foundations are supporting this cause. When everything is in its place, it’s time for deep cleaning. Remember that it’s not just about tidying up. Try to use «eco» products, such as lemon, vinegar, salt, neutral soap, or baking soda: they do not pollute and are among the most effective for cleaning. Finally, you can move your furniture around and get a nicer look for your chosen room. Some believe that this moves the energy around and allows things to flow in the best way. We believe that the most important thing is that you take everything calmly; as we said, it is not a race, and it can take you a whole weekend if you think it is necessary. Spring cleaning should be a moment for yourself and should help you flow more positively; therefore, the space you inhabit should always be in sync with you.
Five empowering and at the same time pampering spots in Mexico City
There are times when we feel we need to get out and breathe, and one thing we have learned in the last few months is that we can adapt and still allow ourselves time, space, and experiences that make us stronger. As we celebrate this special month for women, we thought of something that could add up. We talked about spots that are already operating again and that we feel offer empowerment and peacefulness. If you were eager to explore a little of what’s new out there or just looking for good massages, we’ve got five empowering and pampering spots for you. Men are also invited! Kickboxing Classes in Polanco If you are over 18 and want to strengthen your mind and body, we recommend attending 9 Round, a gym in Polanco that offers kickboxing classes. There are also other types of classes available that will boost your spirits a bit; however, if you want to feel stronger, we highly recommend kickboxing.Click here to visit their website Spa Condesa by Nutrest With a familiar and minimalist concept, this place in the heart of the Condesa is perfect for giving you that much-needed pampering. Here you can unwind for a couple of hours and restore your energy to continue with your routine. Remember that taking care of yourself is another way to empower and, besides, on the way out, you can get a coffee or a drink with your favorite companion.Their website for reservations is available here Treat yourself to a day in a luxury hotel We believe that you don’t need to be on vacation to enjoy an excellent hotel room. Have you ever thought of booking a weekend just for you? Enjoy clean sheets, forget about toiletries, take a nice bubble bath in the jacuzzi and end up having dinner in the room while watching your favorite movie. Treat yourself to an escape that will undoubtedly pamper you from head to toe. Our recommendation? FlowSuites in Polanco, the perfect spot to end your weekend enjoying the surrounding stores and cafes.Think no further and book using this *link* A restaurant with a terrace Whether alone or with your partner, family, or friends, we believe it is time to enjoy the sunsets outdoors. We recommend you make a reservation at your favorite restaurant and enjoy an unparalleled evening between laughter and confessions; besides, eating out will always reward us with new experiences. An amazing walk in the park It may not seem like it, but parks sometimes provide us with magical moments that simply give us back a bit of tranquility. No matter where you are, there are surely beautiful parks nearby for you to read or just chat with your best friend. If you have kids, this is the perfect time for everyone in your family to leave their troubles behind and just enjoy the view. We love Parque Mexico, located in La Condesa, Parque Lincoln in Polanco or Parque La Mexicana in Santa Fé.
Re-exploring the urban planning of Mexico City
Our city is nostalgic for music and long walks in the streets in search of something new to do. Little by little, life outdoors is coming back, and even if we must keep on taking care of ourselves, there are a couple of alternatives for those days when one feels overwhelmed by the eternal confinement. We discovered that some open spaces are again available for bike rides or just sitting and reading in the sunshine, so we want to share them with you in case you want to rediscover the city. Chapultepec Forest The first section of the forest can be the ideal space to disconnect from everything that has been happening to us in the last few months. The park opened its doors at the beginning of July for sports activities, such as hiking and biking; in fact, it is the ideal place for meditating in the middle of the forest or taking a book and coffee if you find yourself a little stressed out. It is an excellent option to take a breath of fresh air and feel the grass under your skin, accompanied by a friend, dog, or partner. If you do not have a place to stay, we suggest you stay in Polanco, as it is only a 15-minute walk from the forest. A roof bar in Condesa In case you do not know much about this area, Condesa has stood out incredibly for its musical and cultural offerings, but not only that, but it also has the most beautiful buildings in all of Mexico. Its houses and restaurants, for the most part, maintain a vintage and ancient style that has made anyone who has visited our city fall in love with it. Although most of the establishments are closed for the moment, we have found that there are open terraces, ideal for going out for a drink and enjoying good company. We suggest you stay in FlowSuites Condesa if you are visiting the city and walking along Amsterdam Avenue, which takes you to two of its best parks. Back to Downtown Even though the beloved stores are closed for the moment, we will never say no to a walk around Madero, Bellas Artes, and the Zócalo. The center keeps the Aztec and Spanish magic with it, which is reflected in its beautiful buildings with Art Deco finishes and the magnificent ruins. The sounds begin to resurface again with the organ grinders and the music on Bolivar Street, which we recommend you experience firsthand with a walk through its streets and legends; it’s even a good time to take pictures because of the few people you meet now. Following the security measures, this place is perfect for contemplating the distinctive features and history of our Mexico closely. Do you want to visit Mexico City safely? We highly recommend you stay at the FlowSuites hotel chain since they offer impeccable and warm service in the Condesa, Polanco, and WTC areas.
Creative gifts for your partner this February 14
The moment we lovers have been waiting for has arrived. For better or worse, Valentine’s Day is a date that we Mexicans have adopted because we are one of the warmest cultures when it comes to showing our affection. That is why we would like to recommend you some unusual gifts that can be perfect for your partner, friends, or even family; we also have a couple of ideas to prove that you do not need to spend too much on that special gift. A map of the stars from «the day we met.» This project from The Night Sky allows you to recreate how the stars were positioned on any day unique to you. If the gift is for your significant other, you can enter the date and place you met, and their portal will accurately recreate the position of the stars with a beautiful dark background. You can even order the printing and framing, presenting this beautiful gift as if it were a work of art. A memorable playlist. Thanks to technology and music platforms like Spotify, Sound Cloud, or Apple Music, it is now possible to make playlists for any occasion. With a little creativity, you can choose the songs that remind you of that special person and create this digital gift completely free. It is also a perfect gift for couples (or friends) who are not physically together due to the pandemic. Create your own perfume. We found a page in Mexico that allows you to create your own perfume at a very reasonable cost. Perfumérica is a platform that lets you customize your own perfume, whether you are a man or a woman, for $490 with free shipping in 3 to 5 business days. This project is exceptionally creative, perfect for couples, and its vintage presentation adds the perfect touch. Dinner at home: a classic that never dies. There are details that, although seemingly quite simple, we hardly ever actually carry them out. Do you remember the last time you had dinner with your partner by candlelight? If you live together, this gift is quite ideal and economical. Just create an atmosphere that gets you in the mood to bake something delicious. You can even play some jazz in the background and let yourselves be carried away by the conversation while toasting with a bottle of wine. Offer a vintage book as a gift Second-hand books have become quite popular in recent years, as they are incredibly cheap and have that unique old book smell. Many findings have surprised us, such as special editions, art books, or even novels no longer published. We suggest you give a vintage book a second chance and write a personalized dedication inside.
Prueba de Antígenos y PCR desde la comodidad de tu habitación
Si vienes a la Ciudad de México y te hospedas en FlowSuites puedes tener desde la comodidad de tu habitación la prueba de Antígenos y PCR (SARS COV-2) a un precio especial reservando directamente con nosotros. De acuerdo a la orden emitida por la CDC (Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades), a partir del 26 de enero todos los pasajeros de 2 años en adelante que ingresen a los Estados Unidos deberán presentar una prueba antígenos o PCR con resultado negativo no más de 3 días previo a su vuelo. Para su tranquilidad y confianza, FlowSuites pone a disposición la prueba de Antígenos y PCR para Covid-19 , realizada por laboratorios avalados por el Instituto de Diagnóstico y Referencia Epidemiológica (InDRE). – Prueba de Antígenos: Entrega de resultados impreso y/o electrónico el mismo día – Prueba PCR: Entrega de resultados electrónico de 12 a 48 horas. * Programa tu cita con anticipación, pregunta en recepción por los días, horarios y costos. * Los tiempos de entrega de los resultados podrían variar de acuerdo a la demanda, por lo cual recomendamos agendar su cita con la mayor antelación posible. Visita www.flowsuites.com
Antigen and PCR testing from the comfort of your room
If you visit Mexico City and stay in FlowSuites you can have from the comfort of your room the antigen or PCR testing (SARS COV-2) at a special price when booking directly with us. In accordance with the order issued by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), as of January 26th, all passengers 2 years of age and older entering the United States must submit an antigen or PCR test with a negative result dated no more than 3 days prior to their flight. For your peace of mind and confidence, we make available the Covid-19 Antigen and PCR test, performed by laboratories that have all their records endorsed by the Institute for Diagnosis and Epidemiological Reference (InDRE) for the execution of these tests. – Antigen test: Delivery of printed and/or electronic results the same day. – PCR test: Delivery of electronic results from 12 to 48 hours. * Schedule your appointment in advance, please ask at the reception desk for exact schedule and cost. * Results delivery times may vary according to demand. Therefore, we recommend scheduling your appointment as far in advance as possible. Visit www.flowsuites.com