¡Adiós al tráfico! Opciones de transporte en la Ciudad de México
Ya sea que quieras evitar manejar o estar en un coche por mucho tiempo, las ventajas de visitar una ciudad tan grande es que tiene opciones para todo. No te preocupes por llegar tarde a esa reunión o no encontrar cómo regresar a tu hotel a hora pico. Siempre hay una manera de hacer tu traslado más llevadero. Chofer privado Uber / Didi / Beat Los servicios de aplicaciones de movilidad son cada vez más comunes. Son tan fáciles de usar y tan accesibles que nos facilitan muchas cosas en cuanto a movernos. En la Ciudad de México vas a encontrar muchísimas Apps que ya le están haciendo la competencia a Uber, que antes era la principal. Estas son las más comunes. Uber – Por ser la más antigua es la que más conductores tiene, así que tu tiempo de espera de un auto, rara vez va a ser mayor a cinco minutos. Tiene servicios de Uber pool para compartir viajes por una tarifa menor, puedes contratar camionetas, cuenta con botón de alerta, coches de lujo y puedes dividir la tarifa con tus compañeros de viaje. Además, este año agregó la ventaja de que con la misma aplicación también puedes usar su servicio de bicicletas Jump para moverte por la ciudad. Didi – Definitivamente tiene tarifas más bajas que Uber, tal vez tengas que esperar un poco más a que lleguen por ti, pero eso mejora cada vez más. Es de las segundas más populares, pero no cuenta con más opciones que un auto para un viaje individual. Didi tiene promociones esporádicas durante el día, puede ser tres horas de descuentos, unos códigos para promociones en viajes futuros o hasta descuentos en viajes después de que juntas cierto número al mes, solo tienes que estar pendiente a las notificaciones. Beat – La aplicación de movilidad de Mercedes Benz. Llegó a México a principios de este año y se ha encargado de maravillar a usuarios. Es la más barata de las tres y aún está abriendo camino para destronar a Uber. Lo bueno de Beat es que siempre trata de ofrecer viajes baratísimos para los usuarios sin restarle honorarios a los conductores. Es confiable y ha metido una gran inversión en México, por lo que se espera que en el futuro se vuelva de las favoritas. Con cualquiera que decidas usar tienes que descargar la aplicación en tu celular, meter tu tarjeta como método de pago y ¡listo! Pide tu viaje y olvídate del estrés atrás del volante. Recomendaciones: Como en cualquier ciudad grande siempre tienes que estar alerta. Revisa las placas del auto cuando lleguen por ti, asegúrate que sea el modelo y color que la aplicación indica, procura viajar en el asiento de atrás y siempre pídeles a los choferes que se identifiquen. ¡A pedalear! Jump / Mobike / Ecobici Si te quieres ahorrar el tráfico de los coches, salvarte de las multitudes del metro y además de todo hacer ejercicio, las bicicletas son la opción. Ya hay tantas por la ciudad que no vas a tener ningún problema encontrándolas, seguro ya has visto varias rodando por ahí. Ecobici – Son las bicicletas oficiales de la ciudad de México. Funcionan por medio de una tarjeta, así que en realidad no necesitas bajar el App (aunque ayuda mucho) y puedes agarrar una bici de cualquier estación que veas. Tienes 45 minutos para hacer tu viaje y regresarla a otra estación. Tienen 480 estaciones, 6,800 bicis y están en 55 colonias. Es la que más cobertura tiene. Para tener tu tarjeta puedes ser extranjero o mexicano solo necesitas una identificación vigente y una tarjeta a tu nombre. Las tarifas son: membresía anual $462, 7 días $346, 3 días $208 y 1 día $104. Si te pasas de los 45 minutos se suma un cargo, no te pases de 24 horas porque te sale en $5,771. Encuentra los módulos para registrarte aquí. Mobike – Son unas bicicletas naranjas con canastita que seguro ya has visto rodando por la CDMX. Para contratar el servicio tienes que bajar la aplicación y suscribirte al plan que más te acomode, puedes pagar con tarjeta o efectivo en tiendas Oxxo. Tienen tarifas de 360 días por $759, 90 días $259 y 30 días $99 y tienen promociones por temporada así que estate atento. Su horario es de 5 am a media noche. Jump – Las bicicletas eléctricas de Uber que te van a llevar lejísimos mientras más pedalees, así que no importa si estás en una subida el motor te ayuda a ir más rápido. En la misma aplicación de Uber selecciona el ícono de bici y encuentra una cerca de ti, resérvala con 5 minutos de anticipación, desbloquéala y paga $3 por minuto. Las zonas que abarca son: Nápoles, Polanco, Del Valle, Roma Sur, Roma Norte, San Miguel Chapultepec, Condesa y Cuauhtémoc. Recomendaciones: En algunas zonas de la ciudad hay carriles exclusivos para bicicletas, asegúrate de andar por ahí y si no hay en la zona que te encuentras tener mucho cuidado con los autos. Usa casco y no vayas muy rápido, recuerda que a veces la gente no espejea. ¡A dos ruedas! Grin / Econduce Además de una alternativa más rápida es divertido. Aprende a manejar una motoneta eléctrica o móntate a un scooter para llegar a tu destino. Grin – son unos scooters eléctricos que verás por toda la ciudad en sus zonas designadas que son Polanco, Roma, Condesa, Juárez y unos tramos de la San Rafael y ampliación Granada. Solo tienes que bajar la App, registrar tu tarjeta, escanear el código QR y ¡listo! Ya está desbloqueada tu scooter. Una ventaja es que si tienes Rappi puedes usarla para usar Grin sin bajar su App. Manejarla es muy fácil, pero sí ve con cuidado porque van más rápido de lo que crees, sus tarifas son de $3 por minutos + el costo de desbloqueo (que en ciertas horas son gratis). Econduce – esta es tal vez la opción más innovadora
Goodbye traffic! Transportation options in Mexico City
Like all large cities, Mexico City is complicated to navigate and traffic is responsible for depleting a large part of our energy. Luckily, this also means that there are a thousand options to avoid it. Keep reading and discover some of the best. Whether you want to avoid driving or being in a car for a long time, the advantages of visiting such a big city is that it has options for everything. Don’t worry about being late for that meeting or not finding how to get back to your hotel at rush hour. There is always a way to make your commute more bearable. Private driver Uber / Didi / Beat Mobility application services are increasingly common. They are so easy to use and so accessible that they facilitate many things. In Mexico City you will find many Apps that are already competing with Uber (previously the only one). These are the most common. Uber – Since it has been in Mexico City more time, it has the most drivers, so your waiting time is rarely going to be longer than five minutes. It has Uber pool services to share trips for a lower rate, you can hire vans, it has an alert button, luxury cars and you can divide the rate with your travel companions. In addition, this year it has an extra advantage: you can also use its Jump bicycle service to move around the city. Didi – It definitely has lower rates than Uber, but you may have to wait a little longer for them to arrive. It is the second most popular service, but it has no options other than a car for an individual trip. Didi has sporadic promotions during the day, it can be a three-hour discount, some promo codes for future trips or even discounts on trips after a number of them, you just have to be aware of their notifications. Beat – Mercedes Benz take on mobility. It arrived in Mexico earlier this year and has been in charge of amazing its users. It is the cheapest of the three and is still making its way to dethrone Uber. The good thing about Beat is that it always tries to offer very cheap trips for users without deducting fees from drivers. It is reliable and has made a great investment in Mexico, so it is expected that in the future it will become a favorite. For all three you have to download the application on your cell phone, put your card as a payment method and voila! Ask for your trip and forget about stressing behind the wheel. Recommendations: As in every big city, be sure to always be alert. Check the plates of the car when it arrives for you, make sure it is the model and color that the application indicates, try to travel in the back seat and always ask the drivers to identify themselves. Pedal your way through the city! Jump / Mobike / Ecobici If you want to circumvent traffic, avoid subway crowds and also exercise, bicycles are the best option. There are already so many around the city that you will not have any problem finding them, surely you have already seen several rolling around. Ecobici – They are the official bicycles of Mexico City. They work with a card so you don’t really need to download the App (although it helps a lot) and you can grab a bike from any station you see. You have 45 minutes to make your trip and return it to another station. They have 480 stations, 6,800 bikes and are in 55 areas. It has the most coverage. To have your card you can be a foreigner or Mexican, you only need a valid ID and a card in your name. Rates are: for an annual membership $ 462, 7 days $ 346, 3 days $ 208 and 1 day $ 104. If you spend more than 45 minutes a charge is added, do not have it for 24 hours because it costs $ 5,771. Find the registration modules here. Mobike – These are orange bicycles with a basket that you have already seen rolling on CDMX. To contract the service you have to download the application and subscribe to the plan that suits you best, you can pay by card or cash at Oxxo stores. They have 360-day rates for $ 759, 90 days $ 259 and 30 days $ 99 and have seasonal promotions so be alert. It works from 5 am to midnight. Jump – These are electric bicycles from Uber that will take you far away while you ride, it doesn’t matter if you are on a steep hill, the engine helps you go faster. In the same application you use for Uber select the bike icon and find one near you, reserve it 5 minutes in advance, unlock it and pay $ 3 per minute. The areas covered are: Nápoles, Polanco, Del Valle, Roma Sur, Roma Norte, San Miguel Chapultepec, Condesa and Cuauhtémoc. Recommendations: In some areas of the city there are exclusive lanes for bicycles, be sure to use them and be very careful with cars in the areas that do not have them. Wear a helmet and don’t go too fast, remember that sometimes people don’t use their mirrors. Fun on two wheels! Grin / Econduce A faster and fun alternative is to drive a scooter to reach your destination. Grin – they are electric scooters that you will see throughout the city in their designated areas that include Polanco, Roma, Condesa, Juárez and some sections of the San Rafael and Granada. You just have to download the App, register your card, scan the QR code and voila! Your scooter is already unlocked. One advantage is that if you have the Rappi App you can use it to use Grin without downloading its App. Driving them is very easy, but be careful because they go faster than
The best Christmas activities in Mexico City
Don’t wait for Santa Claus, Mexico City has lots of Christmas activities that you can do if you are visiting at this time. Remember these are things that you can only do once a year in winter, so don’t waste your time and take advantage of it all. The Christmas season in any big city is lots of fun; everyone is in a good mood, people are about to go on vacation and fun cultural activities are everywhere. Enjoy this time in Mexico City and if you are here to visit, don’t miss all these options. There is something for everyone. What are you waiting for? The Nutcracker This is the classic Christmas story that enchants every audience. This Christmas the National Auditorium will have performances featuring Mexico’s National Dance company and the Orchestra of the Theater of Fine Arts will be in charge of the music. See it at: the National Auditorium of the CDMX. Tickets start at $ 230 pesos. When: December 18th-23th, 2019. Ice skating The traditional ice rink in Mexico City returns this year at the Zócalo. You will find it just in front of the majestic Cathedral in Mexico’s downtown where you’ll enjoy free skating. This year the city’s government decided on a greener option: acrylic. It is much cheaper to maintain because it does not use the electricity emissions that also harm the environment, it feels the same as skating on ice and the same skates can be used. It is a unique experience for sure. Find it in: Zócalo at CDMX’s downtown, but be attentive because this year the track is movable and may be going to other parts of the city. When: as of December 15th, 2019. Christmas Folkloric Ballet It is a show that features Amalia Hernandez’s Folkloric Ballet. It is definitely a must-see on Christmas. The show is called “Christmas in Mexico” and is a tribute that is divided into three acts in which the ‘posadas’ or traditional Mexican Christmas parties, nativity scenes and ‘pastorelas’ or Christmas performances are commemorated; three of the most popular Mexican traditions. The dancers are experts who will not disappoint you; without doubt this is an event that you can not miss. Amalia Hernández’s ballet stands out because it features dances and performances from different Mexican cultures and traditions, many call it «a living museum». Experience it in: Chapultepec Castle. Bosque de Chapultepec I Secc, 11100 tickets may cost up to $ 750. When : from December 25th to January 5th, 2020. Magical Christmas Only in Mexico City can you come across such a different plan. If you are a Harry Potter fan, transport yourself to the Triwizard Tournament and get into your best clothes to attend the Harry Potter-themed Christmas dance. At this place’s Incantatum bar you will be able to dance under the charm of this children’s story, participate in the cash prizes for the best dancing couple, drink a lot of butter beer and enjoy the live DJ. Tickets are already on sale. Find them here. Find it at: Bar Incantatum, Rev. 107 Revolution. Tickets cost $ 250. When: December 19th, 2019 from 8:00 p.m. Christmas Eve in Xochimilco If you want to experience a ‘pastorela’ you have to attend this one in Xochimilco for an unforgettable experience. Start the tour on a trajinera (traditional boat) in the Xochimilco canals at night until you reach an illuminated pier. There you can enjoy a fun ‘pastorela’ for the whole family, an entire illuminated Christmas town, a nativity scene and a 5-meter Christmas tree, all illuminated with more than 200 colored lights. Later that night there will be a light show, many Mexican snacks to calm your hunger, games and souvenirs. It is a perfect event to get to know the trajineras and see Xochimilco’s channels by night, which is a completely different experience. Experience it at: Embarcadero Caltongo, Av. Nuevo León S / N. The cost per person is $ 300. When: December 20th, 21st and 22nd, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. If you want to live the Mexican Christmas experience, don’t hesitate and stay with us at FlowSuites. We have hotels in Polanco, Condesa and WTC, surely one of our locations will be perfect for your plans. Look for offers and promotions on our website www.flowsuites.com or contact us by WhatsApp at +52 1 55 7989 3074. We’ll be glad to help you.
Guadalupe-Reyes marathon. Discover this very Mexican way of celebrating in December
Mexican culture is full of tradition and rituals during December. Find all about them here so you don’t miss any and can participate in the now famous Guadalupe – Reyes marathon. In the 1990s, the Mexican government implemented the Guadalupe – Reyes operation, which consisted of deploying police forces around the city from December 12th, Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, until January 6th, Day of the Three Wise Men, to support security and surveillance. From that date forward, the name of this “marathon” stuck, and now it refers to all the festivities we celebrate from the Day of the Virgin until January 6th. This period is very important in Mexico because it marks the moment that all of the Christmas celebrations in Mexico begin. • December 12th, Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe – Thousands of pilgrims advance to La Villa to thank the Mexican Virgin. Masses are also celebrated throughout the city and pilgrimages occur from many cities. • December 16th – The Christmas posadas or parties officially begin. They are traditional festivals with rituals such as hitting piñatas, exchanging gifts, asking for a place to stay for the night, lulling baby Jesus and eating and drinking delicious meals. They begin on December 16th because, according to Catholic accounts, it took Mary nine days to get from Nazareth to Bethlehem to give birth. That is why nine posadas are held before the last one is celebrated on December 24th. • December 24th – Christmas Eve (or the last posada). Here the birth of Jesus is celebrated: Joseph and Mary arriving to their destination and surviving their enemies thanks to the kindness of those who helped them on their way. It is a night for a family dinner, sharing moments, praying and making a toast at midnight, which is when Christmas officially begins. •December 25th – Christmas. This day people do not work in Mexico and they enjoy it with their family. Traditionally it is when gifts are given (or sometimes on the 24th at midnight). The typical recalentado or leftovers from the night before are warmed up and enjoyed even more. • December 28th – Day of the Innocent. This celebration refers to all the children that King Herod killed in fear of being dethroned. In Mexico it is a day that is celebrated as the equivalent of April Fool’s in the United States for the innocent children that are easily deceived. A very recurring joke is that people borrow money on this date, so be careful! If you lend it that day, they will not return it to you. • December 31st – New Year’s Eve. This day usually makes for a great celebration. A banquet is served to say goodbye to the old year and the sound of 12 bell-strokes at midnight announces the new year. 12 grapes are eaten along with champagne: one to ask for abundance in each month of the following year. There are also many rituals that accompany the New Year’s party. For example: we fill our pockets with lentils to attract abundance, wear red panties for love, yellow for money, go outside with suitcases to attract many trips the following year, sweep the doorstep of the house to drive away bad vibes and gather a bunch of fresh wheat that represents fortune for next year. •January 1st – New Year’s Day. The first day of the new year, a day designed to rest, keep on partying or recuperate from the festivities from the night before (check out great places to cure a hangover in Mexico City here). • January 6 – Three Wise Men (Kings) Day. This day the Three Wise Men arrive to deliver gifts to Mexican homes. This is when the Rosca de Reyes (traditional sweet bread) is eaten. With this tradition the December festivities come to a happy end. Of course, over the years this marathon has become a reason to celebrate during 26 days. It began as a security operation by the country’s police and is now a party marathon for all Mexicans. It is used to justify (a little) all the excesses that are experienced in December. While the authorities take care of us, we celebrate. If you are going to take part in the famous marathon, we recommend you not to use a car, opt for some alternative means of transportation since there are breathalizers waiting in every corner, there is a lot of traffic because everyone is outside celebrating, and there are always many people buying gifts. FlowSuites is waiting for you with open arms to enjoy this special time in Mexico City, book your trip here. You can also contact us via WhatsApp at +52 1 55 7989 3074 for a vacation that you will definitely not forget.
Essential Tips when traveling to and from Mexico City
Mexico City, a massive city that feels like a tiny country in itself. With culture, art, history and national tradition, it has become the go-to place for international travelers. It’s easy to see why, first time travelers become frequent visitors and even, sometimes, become residents. It takes one trip to the city to fall in love with its momentum, its people and the rich culture reflected on every corner of CDMX. Getting to and from Mexico City takes a bit of planning and preparation, while smaller cities or towns are a simple come and go scenario. There are a few things you must consider and take into account before coming, so it’s a good thing we’ve got you covered with our essential tips for the best trip to this amazing City. If you are already here, they will also be of much use. 1. Weather Preparing or dressing for unpredictable weather can be tricky, during the summer months, Mexico City wakes up to cold weather that can quickly turn hot if the sky is clear, and cold again if it starts to pour in the evening. Summer months in Mexico City mean rainy season, so take your precautions and do invest in a good sturdy umbrella, and rainboots! To make sure your outfits cover the changes in temperature throughout the day, wear layers that you can easily play around with 2. Getting around the city and traffic Uber and the metro are a great option to move around, the city has scooters and eco bikes all over the place so you can take and leave them wherever you would like. Scooters are a fun way to get to your destination and they fit practically anywhere. If you are planning on using Uber, we recommend you get a SIM card at the airport so you don’t pay extra roaming charges. As for traffic, you will quickly learn that rush hour means stuck hour. Traffic can get heavy in the morning and evening, typically from 8:00 AM to around 10:00 AM and again at 6:00 PM to around 8:00 PM. We highly recommend you plan your day and transport around those times. 3. Currencies Make sure you get enough cash at the ATM so you don’t have to go back. Even though most establishments accept all cards, cash is still king in CDMX. You will go through it fast if you are exploring the city, its street food and markets. With $3,000 MXN you will very likely have more than enough, that is around $150 USD. 4. Food, museums and cultural visits Please do try the street food, you will find the tastiest and downright best Mexican food on food trucks. Also, do not miss the vast array of restaurants to try, Mexico City is filled with top tier national and international restaurants. In terms of museums, cultural and archeological sites, decide on what places you want to visit, making sure you have the times, costs and exact locations. You can also get to know different parts of the city by Turibus, the Mexican version of the red double decker London bus. 5. Travel Insurance and security Remember to always have international travel insurance, this is important no matter where you go. If something where to happen, Mexico has good health care, but it is not cheap, so your insurance will have you covered. The good news is that medicine is somewhat inexpensive. In terms of personal security, Mexico City is a safe city especially for foreigners, but we do advise to always be mindful of your surroundings, your wallets and bags. Also, be sure to check with our concierge at FlowSuites which areas are safer than others. We recommend you steer clear of local street taxis and opt for Uber, metro, bikes, buses and scooters. Avoid isolated and dark areas at night especially if you are travelling or wandering the city alone, nothing out of the ordinary when walking in a new city. If you are ready to visit the great Mexico City don’t forget to chose the best hotel: FlowSuites. We have three locations in three of the most amazing neighborhoods. Book your next visit here.
¡No te quedes encerrado! Museos que abren en lunes en la CDMX
¿Tienes solo un día libre en tu viaje de negocios y termina siendo lunes? Hay museos en la Ciudad de México que sí abren sus puertas para entretener a todo tipo de visitantes. Si lo que quieres es darte una empapada de cultura en lunes, en estos museos lo vas a lograr. Museo Soumaya Uno de los más icónicos de la ciudad, seguramente te has topado con fotos de su fachada plateada por todos lados. Afortunadamente, este museo es uno de los más famosos que sí abren en lunes. Cuenta con la colección privada de Carlos Slim y tiene exposiciones permanentes e itinerantes que conforman más de 70 mil piezas. Entre los artistas más destacados que encontrarás en el Soumaya están: Auguste Rodin, Monet y Renoir. Los pintores mexicanos Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Clemente Orozco y es el único museo de México que tiene obras de Vincent Van Gogh. Así que tendrás mucho que ver. Además, estás súper cerca de Polanco, una colonia muy popular llena de restaurantes, centros comerciales y parques. Encuéntralo en: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, esquina Presa Falcón. Del. Miguel Hidalgo. IG: @elmuseosoumaya Todos los días de 10:30 – 18:30 Museo de Harry Potter Este museo, además de abrir en lunes es todo un espectáculo. Asher Silva (AKA Asher Potter) tiene el récord Guinness por tener la colección más grande de Harry Potter. Cuando compró su primera varita en 2001, nunca se imaginó que su adoración por el mago terminaría por convertir su casa en un museo con más de 4 mil piezas de memorabilia de los personajes de J.K. Rowling. Toda su casa está acondicionada para exponer la colección que él mismo catalogó en 50 categorías. Además de asombrarte con una colección sperimponente, vas a disfrutar de un museo como ningún otro. Encuéntralo en: Gabriel Mancera 1260. Col. Del Valle. De lunes a viernes de 12 a 19 hrs / sábado y domingo 10 – 19 hrs. Museo del Juguete Antiguo Mexicano Vas a volverte loco con la colección de juguetes más grande del mundo. El MUJAM cuenta con más de 45 mil piezas que siempre deslumbran y llenan de nostalgia a sus visitantes. Hay juguetes de muchísimas partes del mundo. Tiene una sala especial de en donde se exhiben juguetes que fueron hechos exclusivamente por manos mexicanas. Talentos dignos de admiración y que ya son parte de la cultura popular mexicana gracias a sus creaciones. Es un museo perfecto para conocer un poco de la historia de la vida en México por medio de sus juguetes. Encuéntralo en: Doctor Olvera 15. Col. Doctores. IG: @museodeljuguete Lunes a viernes 9 a 18 hrs. Sábados 9 a 16 hrs Domingos 10 a 16 hrs Centro Nacional de las Artes No es un museo como tal, pero podrás encontrar muchísimas actividades culturales y educativas como conciertos, obras de teatro, exposiciones, cursos y talleres. Es un foro que se utiliza para que el público disfrute de todo tipo de arte, es ecléctico y cuenta con áreas verdes impresionantes. Es ideal para ver una exposición o una obra mientras disfrutas del aire libre y sus jardines enormes. A veces tienen ventas de artesanías, ferias del libro y festivales. Un lugar perfecto para pasar un lunes sin trabajo. Encuéntralo en: Av. Río Churubusco 79 Col. Campestre Churubusco. Lunes a domingo de 10 a 22 hrs. TW: @cenartmx Museo del Diseño Mexicano Si quieres matar dos pájaros de un tiro te conviene visitar este museo en tu lunes libre. Está justo en el centro de la Ciudad de México sobre la calle peatonal de Madero. Está construido sobre el palacio de Hernán Cortés y su fachada actual se diseñó a finales del siglo XVIII. Tiene una sala de exposiciones en dónde se exhiben piezas de diseño local, una cafetería y una tienda que vale mucho la pena. Es perfecta si quieres comprar recuerditos para llevar de regreso, tiene cosas súper originales y divertidas, no te vayas sin pasar a verla. Saliendo, puedes caminar a la catedral, pasear por el Zócalo o subirte a la Torre Latino. Es un súper plan para matar ese lunes libre y disfrutar del centro de la ciudad con menos gente que de costumbre. Encuéntralo en: Madero 74. Centro Histórico TW: @MUMEDIAmigos Lunes: 9:30 – 22 hrs Martes a domingo: 8 – 22 hrs Museo de Cera Tan divertido como clásico, el Museo de cera en la Ciudad de México tiene réplicas de más de 200 personajes que se distribuyen en 14 salas temáticas. Puedes ver famosos de la política, artistas, deportistas y hasta empresarios como Steve Jobs. Si quieres ver de cerca y conocer a los miembros más importantes de la farándula mexicana, es un lugar perfecto para empezar. También puedes hacerte tu mano en cera y comprar recuerditos en la tienda. Está ubicado en la Colonia Juárez que es una de las más actuales, si sales con hambre vas a encontrar mil opciones y no te vayas sin darle una vuelta y admirar las fachadas antiguas que todavía mantienen las casas. ¡Súper must! Encuéntralo en: Londres 6, Col. Juárez. TW:@museodecera Lunes a domingo 11 – 19 hrs. Museo de la Tortura Solo para estómagos fuertes. Este museo que también está ubicado en el centro de la Ciudad de México es impresionante. Recolecta artefactos horribles de una de las épocas más oscuras de la humanidad: la inquisición. Todo lo que exhiben son artefactos que se utilizaban para castigar la herejía. Te torturaban (a veces hasta la muerte) por cosas como “ser bruja”, ser alcohólico, protestante, gay y muchas otras que la iglesia no toleraba. Aquí están en exposición 75 artefactos diferentes que se usaban para humillación pública, tortura o pena de muerte del siglo XVI al XVIII. Un pedazo de la historia que no te puedes perder. Encuéntralo en: Tacuba 15, Col. Centro Histórico De lunes a domingo 10 – 18 hrs.